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Hot Courses

The following have been our most popular courses over the last year:
Animal Health Care
Permaculture Systems
Project Management
Bookkeeping I
Child Psychology
Event Management
Diploma In Counselling & Psychology
Introduction To Psychology
Certificate In Wildlife Management

Check out these and other courses at:

Course News

New Courses Being Developed:
Computer Security

Courses Revised:
Keeping our courses up to date is a priority for us. We may not be perfect; but we do respond quickly to feedback from graduates and staff, and tutors are working on revising courses continually (not the case in many other institutions).
Publishing I and Publishing II were revised only last month to reflect changes happening around us.
We are currently in the middle of revising Freelance Writing and Publishing III (due to be completed soon).


New Ebooks Coming Soon!

New ebooks – coming soon at and

Trees and Shrubs 1st edition, by John Mason – an ideal companion book for students (for plant collections), or for landscapers, nurserymen, or even home gardeners.

Growing Conifers 2nd edition by John Mason.

Tropical Plants by John Mason.


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Opinion - John Mason (ACS Principal)

Writing and Publishing Opportunities
The book industry really took a hit this year. 25% of bookshops in Australia closed down. This would make you think that the remaining bookshops would pick up the slack and do well; but not so. People are simply not buying books like they used to, and publishers are not publishing as much.
Amidst this doom and gloom however, there are opportunities. People still want to read, and will always need to read; it is just that we are in the middle of a messy reformation of the publishing industry. No one can be certain what publishing will look like when the dust settles, but new opportunities are arising every month for writers and publishers.
If you get in tune with the changes that are happening, and are prepared to adapt as the industry around you changes, there are plenty of opportunities for writers, proof readers and publishers.

Start a Career in Writing or Publishing

How to begin?
First you need to learn to write properly (the way a client or publisher might expect).
Secondly, you need to understand editing.
Thirdly, you need to understand how the industry ticks.

Use our Course and Career Counselling Service and communicate with professionals in the industry, and discuss the best option for you. Click here to complete your Course or Career Counselling form.

Suggested Courses to start:
Freelance Writing
Creative Writing

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