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Editorial Comment from our principal, John Mason

“Degrees mean little in global office of the Future”
“University education will no longer mean a fatter pay packet as employers embark on a global “Dutch auction” for skilled labour”

These comments from University of Bath economist professor Hugh Lauder, were published this week in the Australian Newspaper.The comments reflect changes that I have been observing for some years in the world of employment and commerce. Qualifications were once necessary for a secure future; but that fact has rapidly been fading into folklore. Many people are still so used to being told that they need a degree or diploma, that they still believe it; but for employers there is only one thing that really matters: “Can the person do the job”
We have recognised that learning and developing the capacity to 'do the job' is and will remain of prime importance, but people also need to have the capacity to adapt to change, have realistic attitudes, build networks and gain experience. A good course needs to foster all of these things; and if it achieves those things, the graduate has an advantage over anyone with superior qualifications who lacks those things.

New Courses in Development

  • We have the following new courses in development that should be open for enrolments within the next month or so.
  • Goat Husbandry
  • Aquarium Management
  • Green Walls and Roofs
  • Horticultural Therapy
  • Bookkeeping Applications
  • If you wish to be informed of when these courses become available, let us know your course/s of interest in an Email to denise@acs.edu.au

New E Book Brochure Available

We’ve printed a full colour glossy brochure featuring 36 different ebooks written by our staff.
If you know of anyone, or any organisation that would like copies, let us know an address and tell us how many to send/email a request to denise@acs.edu.au


Mari Jones from the UK thoroughly enjoyed the Ornithology course. Here is what she has to say about her study experience...

"I initially wanted to do the course because I really enjoy birdwatching and I wanted to learn more about birds than just how to identify them. Also, I was set to start university in September, and as I was no longer studying biology, I wanted to take the opportunity to so do some final studying in that area. This course has been brilliant: not only did I learn about the biology and distribution of birds, but I also learned about taxonomy (not nearly as boring as it sounds!), and I now know the behaviours and characteristics of a range of bird species worldwide. I've enjoyed the course so much that, after much deliberation, I decided to go on to do further study. After a word with the university admissions tutor I successfully switched degree courses, so I am now set to study Ecology and Conservation. I owe this course so much, not just for teaching me about birds, but also for making me realise how enjoyable it is to study them."

Interesting Reads from our Web Sites

Where to Find a job http://www.thecareersguide.com/viewpage.aspx?page=Findingajob
Becoming a Life Coach http://www.thecareersguide.com/viewpage.aspx?page=becomingalifecoach
Plan for a Career that Evolves http://www.acsgarden.com/learning/careers/evolve-your-career.aspx
Read about our school on a Mobile Phone
This link takes you to a summary of our school all designed to read on a mobile http://www.studyacs.com/ Bookmark it!

ACS Distance Education
Phone: +61 7 5562 1088 | Fax: +61 7 5562 1099
E-mail: admin@acs.edu.au
Web: www.acs.edu.au
ACS Distance Education UK
Phone: 0800 328 4723
International Phone: +44 1384 4 44718
Fax: +44 (0) 207 6812702
E-mail: admin@acsedu.co.uk
Web: www.acsedu.co.uk
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