ACS Distance Education News
Another new ebook- Helping people cope with Grief or Crisis- Getting through difficult times The ‘Helping people cope with Grief or Crisis- Getting through difficult times’ ebook gives you an understanding of grief and how to help and support others who are having a difficult time coping with loss or a crisis. This book is designed as a handbook for counsellors or anyone else to help understand the difficulties that can arise and confront individuals; and to explore solutions for dealing with those difficult times. To see a sample of this ebook or to purchase a copy, please visit our bookshop.
Recent Graduates
A huge congratulations to some recent graduates of our courses: Ellamae Royer- Certificate in Garden Design Erin Doupain- Permaculture Design Certificate Frances Bell- Certificate in Wildlife Management Great work everybody! |
What are our students up to? Mike Hutchinson tells us a bit about himself. Mike Hutchinson is a student with ACS Distance Education in the UK and has completed four permaculture courses with us – Permaculture I, II, III and IV. Mike is definitely putting his study interests into practice. This is what he had to say: “I’ve had an interest in permaculture for quite a number of years and about four years ago decided a course would be useful. Because of being often busy at weekends I couldn’t easily take a conventional Permaculture Design Certificate, but studying with ACS allowed me to fit this around other commitments. |
The Hits of 2013 Last year’s most popular courses were: |
Do you have a New Year’s Resolution for 2014? Get your career booming along in 2014 with some of our Professional Development courses: Not sure what to study? Contact one of our Course Counsellors to discuss your options today! |
How Writing has Changed?- What's Changed in Writing and Publishing? First, it's necessary to understand that publishing anything, in either a print or electronic format; involves several stages: Stage 1 -Creating Raw Intellectual Property: This is the writing, photography, and/or creating drawings or illustrations. Stage 2 -Editing: This involves reorganising and refining the intellectual property into a form that can be used for publishing. Stage 3 -Design or Layout: This involves applying graphic art or design skills to create a visual image that will be seen by a reader. The final image combining words and graphics is created here. Stage 4 -Publishing: This involves putting the images into a form that can be accessed by the reader; perhaps printed material, perhaps images on the internet, or maybe images on a CD. Stage 5 -Marketing: This involves promoting, selling and distributing the published work to readers. Read More here. |
ACS Distance Education Phone: +61 7 5562 1088 | Fax: +61 7 5562 1099 |
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ACS Distance Education UK Phone: 0800 328 4723 International Phone: +44 1384 4 44718 Fax: +44 (0) 207 6812702 |
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