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Duration (approx) 100 hours
Qualification To obtain formal documentation the optional exam(s) must be completed which will incur an additional fee of £30. Alternatively, a letter of completion may be requested.

Get trained in the one of the world’s fastest growth professions!

Join the profession of Business Coaches and pass on your experience and knowledge to others.

  • Study for a career that is exciting and satisfying it is also very lucrative - Business Coaches are in huge demand and currently command high incomes.
  • Eight informative and practical lessons that can put you on the road to financial independence and a new career.

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Business Coaching is one of the fastest growing professions!

Business coaches support their clients in difficulties relating to business, including startups, transitions, and rough patches. This course is designed to help you bring your expertise to others. In this course, you'll cover:

  • The role of the business coach.
  • Why people use business coaches
  • An overview of key theories and SWOT analyses.
  • Strategic planning.
  • Motivation.
  • Staffing

An excellent course for those looking to move into coaching or consultancy.

Course Structure and Lesson Content

The course comprises 8 lessons as detailed, below.

  1. Nature and Scope of Business Coaching
    • Nature of Business Coaching, Life Coaching and Sports Coaching.
    • Terminology.
    • Why People Use Business Coaches.
    • Case Studies.
    • Business Failure or Success.
  2. The Initial Consultation
    • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
    • Goal Centred Approach.
    • Reality based approach.
    • Motivational Approach.
    • First Contact.
    • SWOT Analysis.
    • Replace Negative with Positive Habits.
    • Monitor and Evaluate Progress.
    • Closing.
    • Case Studies.
  3. Considering Alternative Actions
    • Developing a Business Plan.
    • Feasibility Studies.
    • Formal Documentation.
    • Operational Management.
    • Strategic Planning.
    • Operational Planning.
    • Components of a Business Plan.
    • Implementing Ideas.
    • Changing Behaviour.
    • Looking after long term Viability.
    • Partial Sell-Offs.
    • Restructuring.
    • R & D.
    • Changing Products and Services.
    • Buying a New Business.
    • Staff.
    • Selling or Winding Down.
    • Case Studies.
  4. Improving Productivity
    • Quality Circles.
    • Cause and Effect Diagrams.
    • Pareto Analysis.
    • Brainstorming.
    • Motivation.
    • Internal and Intrinsic Incentives.
    • Incentives External to Working Environment.
    • Social Reinforcers as Incentives.
    • Tangible Rewards.
    • Case Studies.
  5. Marketing
    • Introduction to Marketing.
    • Marketing Strategy.
    • Starting out in Business.
    • Making Contact.
    • Controlling Growth.
    • Improving Results.
  6. Building Better Staff
    • Staff Recruitment.
    • Team building and Team Management.
    • Staff development and Training.
  7. Improving Resource Management
    • BRM (Business Resource Management).
    • Stress Management.
    • Case Studies.
  8. Putting it all into Practice
    • PBL (Problem Based Learning) Project.
    • Significance of knowledge of interviewing and assessment.
    • Incentives and motivational strategies.
    • Productivity and marketing strategies.
    • Theoretical information to derive sensible solutions.
    • Initial business coaching assessment for a specified business.
    • Actions for improving and sustaining the level of performance.

Course Aims

  • Describe services that a business coach can offer clients; identify opportunities to work as a business coach; and develop an understanding of a business coach’s role.
  • Understand how to gather relevant data and conduct an initial consultation with a client.
  • Explain the options for action to optimise the operation of a new or existing business.
  • Understand methods of providing business coaching to improve productivity.
  • Develop awareness of ways in which business coaching can improve marketing.
  • Discuss ways to provide business coaching to improve the recruitment, skills, performance and motivation of staff.
  • Understand how business coaching can be used to improve resource management.
  • Deliver a comprehensive business coaching service to a client.

What You Will Do

  • This course is designed to help people identify opportunities to work as a business coach and develop an understanding of a business coach’s role.
  • You will learn how to gather relevant data and conduct an initial consultation with a client.
  • Throughout the course you will learn about optimisation of business models for new or existing businesses, whilst focusing on improving productivity within a business. Understand how business coaching can be used to improve resource management.
  • You will develop awareness of ways in which business coaching can improve marketing, and also improve the recruitment, skills, performance and motivation of staff.
  • You will have an opportunity to develop and practice the delivery of a comprehensive business coaching service to a client.

Business Coaches Can Help A Failing Business

A big part of the business coaching job is to help managers and business owners to save a business that is in trouble. If a business is successful, a business coach may not be of any value at all – but most businesses are not likely to be in that category.  Even businesses that have been successful for a long time, will often have troubles sooner or later.  Troubles may occur through no real fault of the business, other than a failure to adapt to changes occurring in the world outside the business.

Successful businesses do not remain stagnant.  A good business manager recognises this fact, and is aware that a business only has two realistic options – to get better, or worse.  Remaining the same is never an option.  Even doing nothing will not result in the business staying the same, as external factors are constantly changing – the weather, the economic climate, customers needs, competition, and so on.

When things start to go wrong in business, it is common to not respond or identify the problem.  Many people will think that it is easier to ignore the problem, and delude themselves into thinking there is nothing wrong.  When problems arise they need to be dealt with appropriately. It is important to recognise problems as early as possible.  Delays in recognition compound problems and cause delays in solutions.

Recognise problems:
When things get worse in a business, there are always choices:

  • Some people increase activity hoping to stimulate growth.
  • Some decrease activity hoping to minimise losses.
  • Some change activity hoping to find a more profitable mode of operation.
  • Some close down the business.
  • Some do nothing.
The worst option is usually to do nothing.

Coaches can help Business Owners Return to a Balanced Perspective

It is very difficult to gain perspective about your business when you are right in the middle of it – especially during a crisis. Getting a balanced perspective means creating harmony between what your business has achieved in the past, what you are doing now, and what you plan to do in the future.  You need to balance these areas rather than focus too much on any one of them.  If you can attain a balanced perspective you will feel more:

  • Pleased with your own achievements.
  • Enthusiastic about your business.
  • Satisfied with your business.
  • Spend more time working ON your business rather than working IN your business.  A small business can gradually seep into your life and take over all your free time if you do not maintain a balanced perspective.  Over time this can sap your energy and not be of benefit to productivity – for a manager, the business should be about thinking of new ideas or better approaches rather than on spending every given moment working.  Remember why you started the business – most people go into business for themselves so they can have more free time.  This often backfires for the small business owner.  Figure out ways to make your business run smoothly so you don’t have to always be there.
  • Build networks of like-minded business people you can bounce new ideas or discuss issues and problems with.
  • Business coaches can bring a different perspective to a business in trouble; and that is just as important as bringing any business knowledge and skills.

How The Course Works

You can start studying Business Coaching at any time.

It is studied by distance learning, so you can study in the comfort of your own home. But this doesn't mean you are all alone in your studies.  Our highly qualified and friendly tutors are there to help you every step of the way.  If you have any questions at all, they are always happy to help.

Each lesson includes set tasks, and is completed with an assignment which the student submits to their course tutor.  The tutor will mark the assignment and return this to the student with comments and suggestions for further reading.

The Advantages of Studying with ACS

  • Learn from experts – Our courses are written and taught by experienced professionals, so you know you can expect a high quality of teaching and support.
  • Start and study in your own time – You can start the course at any time and study at your own pace.
  • It's your life, you decide when to study – Fit your studies around your own busy lifestyle. We provide full tutor support for all the time you are studying.
  • It's your life, you decide how and where to study – Study where you want to – online studies offer the flexibility for you to determine where and when you study.

Your comprehensive learning package includes: -

  • Course notes.
  • Self-assessment quizzes.
  • Assignment feedback.
  • You can interact one on one with a professional tutor with decades of experience - just email, phone or log on to chat to connect with them.

Enrolling is easy - just go to the enrolment box at the top right-hand side of this page, and select your payment plan and study method.

Any questions?

Our tutors are more than happy to help and advise you with any questions regarding the course. Please contact us if you have any questions at all.

Learn about motivation, and how to get business people to view things from a realistic perspective - help business and the people who work in them to be more successful. Study by distance learning - fit your studies around your work.

Why delay? Get started today.

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Use our FREE COURSE COUNSELLING SERVICE to connect with our expert tutors.

By Phone: (UK) 01384 442752 (International) +44 (0) 1384 442752

Courses can be started anytime from anywhere in the world!

Meet some of our academics

Tracey Jones (psychology)B.Sc. (Hons) (Psychology), M.Soc.Sc (social work), DipSW (social work), PGCE (Education), PGD (Learning Disability Studies) Tracey began studying psychology in 1990. She has a wide range of experience within the psychology and social work field, particularly working with people with learning disabilities. She is also qualified as a teacher and now teaches psychology and social work related subjects. She has been a book reviewer for the British Journal of Social Work and has also written many textbooks, blogs, articles and ebooks on psychology, writing, sociology, child development and more. She has had also several short stories published.
John MasonMr Mason has worked 45+ years in Writing, Education, Horticulture and Recreation. His experience in both public & private sectors is extensive; particularly across Australia and England.
David CrothersChartered Accountant with 20 years experience in corporate and financial roles. David has a FCA, GAICD, B.Sc.Econ (Hons), Cert IV TAA. Extensive international experience in business and finance.

Check out our eBooks

Saving Your BusinessMost businesses fail; but failure is more often than not avoidable. This book shows you how to quickly get a handle on what is wrong, take action, and give a shaky business the best chance of resurgence.
Occupational PsychologyThe Occupational Psychology Ebook looks at occupational or industrial psychology. Get to know the underlying theories in occupational psychology and improve productivity at your workplace. This ebook will help you improve your recruitment techniques, improve working conditions, increase productivity, developing effective decision making abilities and also includes methods of coping with stress within the workplace.
Business OperationsA text book for business students, or a guide book for anyone operating a business. Six chapters: Daily Challenges of Running a Business, Managing People, The Law, Fiance, Product Management and Risk Management.
Professional Practice for ConsultantsExplore becoming a consultant. This ebook contains chapters on how to be a consultant, packaging your services, delivering the services, building your resources, finding the work and getting the job, planning and ethics.