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Duration (approx) 100 hours
Qualification To obtain formal documentation the optional exam(s) must be completed which will incur an additional fee of £30. Alternatively, a letter of completion may be requested.

Discover the salesperson in you, and get ahead!

Sales is at the core of every business. Whether you are selling a product or your expertise, sales training will help elevate your business/career to the next level.  Everyone has to constantly sell themselves to get a good job, pay rise, or increase business. Learn how to make the most of what you've got by developing your skills in selling.

You will learn about presentations, communication skills, buyer analysis and motivation. The course also covers decision making, problem solving, knowing your product, opening & closing skills, sales reports, and much much more.

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  • After enrolling, watch our "orientation video" and discover how to use all sorts of services to support your study.
  • Lots of flexibility is where and how often you study -even what your learning is focused on
  • Exams are optional and only needed if you want to use this study as a credit in a formal qualification -even then, we always give you the option to repeat exams
  • Exceptional tutor support -Our faculty includes a dozen university trained professionals most with decades of industry experience. You have unlimited access to tutors over the phone or email.

" I have never found the staff at any other learning institution as supportive as the staff at ACS. This gives one a lot of peace of mind and confidence to go on - at every squeak from my side, you guys have always been there, immediately to sort me out. The feedback on my lessons has always been really good and meaningful and an important source of my learning. Thanks!..."
- Student with ACS



We are all in the business of sales whether we realise it or not! Every time you are interviewed for a new position/promotion you must sell yourself to get it. Turn your service/product offerings into profit, by utilising effective sales skills. This course shows you how!
There are twelve lessons in this course; as outlined below:
1. Presentation and Selling Personality. "Never judge a book by its cover." A wise old saying but people who buy do make judgements especially about sales people.Dress and grooming are top priority in selling. As well you must learn how to develop a selling personality.
2. Communication and Conversational selling.Learn the art of written and verbal communication in easy to understand terms.
3. Marketing (Buyer analysis and motivation)Presentation of products to consumers and motivating them to buy.
4. Management (Hierarchy)Dealing with upper management; learn how to get your point across.How to be assertive and positive when dealing with your superiors.
5. Helping the Product Sell Itself
6. Know your product and pre-planning.Through observation, reading and listening get to know your products (pre-planning is essential in today's complex society).
7. Selling made as simple as A B C.The procedure of selling.
8. "The Opening" (getting the attention of the buyer)Creating the right atmosphere for a sale to take place.
9. "Closing a Sale" (overcoming objections).Buyers will tend to look else where unless a salesman can close a sale in an appropriate amount of time (learn the secrets).
10. "Stress Management" Learn the art of relaxation through stress management techniques.
11. The Law and Selling
12. Report Assessment - Writing. The majority of sales persons need to have the ability and skill to write a condensed and accurate report on which management will comprehend and act upon.

  • Explain the importance of first impressions and learn how to develop a selling personality.
  • Explain the art of written and verbal communication in easy to understand terms.
  • Explain how to present products to potential customers and how to motivate them to buy.
  • Explain how to communicate with your managers and superiors.
  • Explain how to help your product to sell itself.
  • Explain the importance of preplanning, observation and listening is important in selling.
  • Explain the procedure involved in selling
  • Explain how to create the right atmosphere for a sale to take place.
  • Explain how to close a sale.
  • Identify and manage stress levels in a sales situation
  • Explain the law in relation to selling.
  • Write a condensed and accurate sales report.

What Makes a Good Salesperson?

Selling well requires not only knowledge and understanding, but also a certain attitude and personality. Selling is something that many businesses never quite master; and which is often the defining factor that separates a very successful business from all others.
The most successful sales people thrive on personal interaction, they love meeting new people and love talking, but equally love listening. They get a buzz from making a sale and have the ability to remain focused when interacting with potential customers.
The expert sales person will show their skills very quickly in any business; making a difference to the level of sales being achieved.

Some of the most successful businesses are built on the sales person.
If the boss can sell well, it may be advantageous to capitalise on their skills, employing others to do everything else in the business, and leaving the boss to focus more of their time on sales. If the boss is not a natural salesperson; it may be best to employ a salesperson who has a successful record.

If you employ a salesperson, be sure to check their past. Talk to former employers. They don’t necessarily need to be from your industry, but they do need to know how to sell, and have both confidence and motivation to succeed. The remuneration package is one of many ways you can motivate them.

Watch a new sales employee closely at first; and ideally give them a trial period of a couple of weeks to a month (depending upon the industry). If they do not bring results in during the trial period do not be swayed by excuses. You are better off replacing sales people who do not perform.

You also have to be aware of sales people who are used to a more aggressive form of selling. If that is not what you want in your business, then you need to ensure that you have the correct sales person or staff to sell in the manner that works for you. Aggressive sales people can get sales, but it may result in goods being returned or customers lost in the future.

It is Important to Know the Customer?

In any business, there may be new customers and there may be existing customers. You need both. New customers can become repeat customers. Repeat customers can keep your business going. If you focus only on new customers, what will happen to repeat customers? You need both. For example, in the past, businesses have offered special “deals” to new customers that have not been offered to existing customers. So what happens? Existing customers go off and find a new product that gives THEM a deal as a NEW customer. So you lose their business. You have gained a new customer, but lost an existing customer, so you are in the same place as before with one customer. Not two.




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