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Duration (approx) 100 hours
Qualification To obtain formal documentation the optional exam(s) must be completed which will incur an additional fee of £30. Alternatively, a letter of completion may be requested.

Learn about Marsupials

This course is an ideal foundation subject for learning more about marsupials. It's a great professional development course and is ideal for those wanting to apply their learning to wildlife or captive marsupials.

There are now around 330 described species of marsupials with approximately 235 from Australasia, continental Australia and its coastal islands and New Guinea, and approximately 95 from the New World of South, Central and North America. These numbers vary with changes in systematics, and the discovery of new species through phylogenetic analysis and field surveys. In Australasia, marsupials are the dominant terrestrial and arboreal mammals, with placental mammals represented by bats, rodents, exotic species, and shoreline seals and sea lions in southern Australia.

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This course covers the following lessons:

Introduction – Scope and Nature, Overview of taxonomy

Anatomy and Physiology – muscles, skeleton, adaptations, thermoregulation, reproduction

Internal anatomy, physiology, and senses

Behaviour – communication, social, handling

Health & Disease

Marsupial Carnivores – The Dasyuromorphia (Families are Dasyuridae (dasyurids),

Myrmecobiidae (numbats), and Thylacinidae (thylacinids).

The Diprotodontia -Kangaroos

Other Diprotodontia – koalas, wombats, pygmy possums, sugar gliders, potaroos, ringtail possum

Peramelemorphia - Bandicoots & Bilbies

Other Marsupials

Marsupial Conservation and Management - Sustainable Management


Explain the likely origin of marsupials.
Explain classification of marsupials.
Identify common external anatomical features in marsupials.
To explain common and diverging characteristics in the internal biology of marsupials.
To discuss and compare behavioural characteristics in a number of different marsupials.
To describe health issues that affect marsupials.
To identify and describe the biology, behaviour and care of marsupial carnivores.  
To identify and describe the biology, behaviour, and care of Macropods from the Diprotodontia order.
To identify and describe the biology, behaviour and care of non-Macropod marsupials in Diprodontia.
To identify and describe the biology, behaviour and care of marsupials in order Peramelemorphia.
To discuss issues related to the sustainable management of marsupials.

Courses can be started anytime from anywhere in the world!