This diploma course prepares you for a career in horticulture and science.

Improve your knowledge AND your career prospects with this diploma level course.
Useful for careers in -
- Nurseries, Farms Allied Horticultural Trades
- Parks, Gardens, Landscaping, Turf, Tree Management
- Environmental Management
- Consulting, Teaching, Media, etc
Horticulture has changed dramatically in recent decades and will no doubt continue to change rapidly; but there will always remain a need for horticulturalists while we continue to eat fruit and vegetables, play sport and use tree planting to improve the environment in which we live.
Horticultural Technicians and Scientists need to have a strong foundation in both horticulture and science. They need to know how to identify lots of different plants, and the botany and chemistry that underpins an understanding of how to grow those plants .
Graduates may find employment as:
- A consultant
- A technician
- A teacher
- A research assistant.
Whatever is in vogue at different times throughout your career, this course will prepare you to move into and adapt to working in that part of the industry.
Student Comment: "I have found the course to be interesting and challenging, with great learning materials that really make you research the industry and get involved. It has been a great way to study because it has allowed me to work in the industry and study at the same time. I have found the online resources to be
fantastic, the tutor's feedback constructive and the fact that assignments can be submitted online makes the process so easy." Tom Wood - Diploma in Horticultural Science.
Tutor Comment: “This fantastic course is for the serious horticulturist with a bent for science. However it also covers the more practical components of horticulture giving you an all round qualification. Opportunities abound for those completing this course – you can work in research, teach, or apply your skills to any industry sector.” - Adriana Fraser Cert.Hort., Cert.Child Care, Adv.Cert.App.Mgt., Cert IV Assessment and Training, Adv.Dip.Hort, ACS Tutor.
You are required to complete six Core Modules looking at horticulture, biochemistry, plant selection and botany.
You are required to complete 100 hours of industry or workplace experience and two modules which are focused on research. If you need more information on this part of the course, please contact us.
You then choose 12 Elective Modules from a wide range of topics including biochemistry, landscaping, propagation, turf management and much more. If you are not sure which options are the best for you, our highly experienced and helpful tutors can help you to make your choices.
Other Modules may also be approved.
This course will provide you with an excellent knowledge of horticultural science. If you want to improve your job and career prospects in this rewarding field, then why not enrol today?
If you are not sure if this is the course for you or you have any questions, then please get in touch.
After You Graduate
In today's rapidly changing world, it is difficult to see the precise opportunities that might exist upon completion of this or any other course.
The one thing that is different here though is that this course offers a stronger focus on science; and given that it is science and technology which is driving so much of the change in today's world; there is little doubt that knowing more science will give you a much stronger foundation to understand changes and opportunities that arise from new technologies that grow out of scientific advances.
Horticulture today is very much an industry that is underpinned by science.
Horticultural businesses are more productive through application of science; and job opportunities have been increasingly dependant upon a good understanding of science.
If you want a future in the horticulture industry; a strong understanding of horticultural science is a huge advantage.
What Next?
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Get Advice – phone us on (UK) 01384 442752 (outside UK +44 (0) 1384 442752) or
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