Learn to Promote and Sell Leisure Services and Products.

For those working or who want to work in the leisure industry.
- Improve sales and marketing of events, facilities, services and equipment.
- Takes this course for Professional Development, Business Training, Career Change or Enhancement.
- Course Duration: 100 hours of self paced study. Start at any time. Study where and when you want to.
The course is divided into 10 lessons as follows:
Introduction to Marketing
Marketing and leisure industry introduction
The marketing mix and the managing the marketing effort
What makes people buy
Marketing law
Consumer law
Warranty and Condition
Liability of manufacturer
Marketing Strategy
Introduction to Supply and Demand
The Marketing Mix
The real purpose of advertising
The marketing mix
Market research made easy
Gathering data
Types of Customers
Marketing to increase your turnover
Media Promotions
Promotion element of the marketing mix
Publicity and public relations
Effective Advertising
Structuring an advertisement or promotion
Promotional Materials
Steps in Designeing Effective Promotions Strategy
Advertising in the media
Why do advertisers use magazines
Copywriting in advertising
Merchandising and displays
Merchandising suggestions
Signage and signposting
Display advertising
Free advertising
Identifying Dissatisfaction
Customer service
Customer satisfaction
Problem solving
Pitfalls in problem solving
Managing Membership Levels
Managing Patron Numbers
Determining an appropriate level of patronage
Strategies to minimise patron loss and replace patrons
Sponsorship & Fundraising
Sponsorship for Profit
Sponsorship for Charity/Goodness of Heart
Advantages and disadvantages of sponsorship
Getting sponsorship
Managing Events
Organising an event
Shows and Exhibitions
Success indicators
Mitigating what can go wrong
Community Participation
Managing Promotional Activities
Job specifications in marketing
Fundraising events
Gifts and Donations
Writing a marketing plan
Market Sensitive Recreation Services
Product line decision and Product line length decision
New products or services
Service and Customer relations
Manage results
- To provide a basis for developing specific marketing related skills which will be developed throughout this course.
- Develop marketing strategies.
- Develop skills in dealing with the media to promote an organisation or service.
- Coordinate the production of different promotional materials.
- Coordinate the distribution of promotional materials.
- Deal with client complaints in a recreation enterprise.
- Monitor membership base to ensure retention of membership.
- Initiate and manage relationships with sponsors.
- Explain alternative methods of raising funds for a recreation event or service.
- Manage special events.
- Coordinate activities designed to increase public awareness of an organisation.
- Deliver approval for different promotional activities.
- Manage delivery of a service by a recreation, sport or fitness organisation.

The practical tasks you will complete in this course include the following:
Visit retail outlets to observe the marketing used for a chosen recreational product.
- Conduct a market survey, of a properly
selected sample of customers, using a designed survey form, and
obtaining at least 20 responses.
- Develop a marketing plan, based on market survey results.
- Develop a promotional campaign for a chosen
recreational product of service. Write two press releases, for
recreation products or services, which you are familiar with. Suggest a
plan for the distribution of this press release.
- Contact three different publications which
advertise recreation services or products, and obtain information about
how to advertise.
Interview the management of a recreation facility (or people responsible for marketing).
- Investigate complaints within an organisation/enterprise in the recreation industry.
- Investigate the way membership is managed in two different recreation enterprises.
- Survey the membership of a recreation, fitness or sporting club, to determine attitudes towards services provided.
- Interview a sample of members and
leaders/staff from one of each of the following types of organisations;
to determine reasons why people join these different types of recreation
- Contact your local government authority, and
determine any legal requirements which relate to fundraising for non
profit community recreation organisations, in your locality.
- Investigate the market strategies for different types of special events, in your locality.
- Conduct research to determine different publications which may be relevant to the sports, recreation and leisure industries.
Interview staff or clients of a recreation facility/enterprise with
the aim of developing procedures to implement improved services for a
specified facility.
- Go shopping. Take notice of how different
sales staff communicate with you. Note the techniques that use (verbal
and non-verbal), and how effective they are.
This is an individual module course. Individual module courses usually require about 100 hours of study and can be taken on their own or as part of a larger programme of study.
If you wish to take an individual module course as a stand alone course, you can elect to sit an optional exam at the end of it.
If you successfully pass the exam and all assignments, you will receive a Statement of Attainment. You can take examinations at a time and location to suit you. If you enrol, you will be sent further information on how to arrange examinations at the end of the course.
If you do not wish to take the exam, you will receive a Course Completion letter when you have passed all assignments.
There is an assignment at the end of each lesson. So for example, if an individual module course contains ten lessons, you will need to complete ten assignments. Assignments can be sent to us via email, post or fax.
Other qualifications, such as certificates, diplomas etc may require examinations to be taken as part of the overall assessment process.
To gain work or progress in the leisure industry.
To improve sales and marketing in your leisure business.
For Personal or Professional Development.
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Get Advice – Email us at info@acsedu.co.uk OR
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