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Duration (approx) 100 hours
Qualification To obtain formal documentation the optional exam(s) must be completed which will incur an additional fee of £30. Alternatively, a letter of completion may be requested.

Learn how to set up and manage a Guesthouse or B & B with this Bed And Breakfast Management course.

The Bed And Breakfast Management course covers:
  • facilities
  • decor
  • equipment
  • customer service
  • supplying meals
  • financial management
  • marketing and much more.

Enrol NOW to learn more about Bed and Breakfast Management.


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Study Bed And Breakfast Management and start your own B&B or guesthouse.

The nature of bed and breakfast management has changed a lot over recent years becoming more “niche” based, whereby guests receive an experience rather than just a room to sleep in and breakfast to eat. Guesthouses and B and Bs do not have the hustle and bustle of hotels. They are able to provide a simpler form of accommodation, catering to smaller numbers of guests, and providing a more informal or even personal interaction between guests and staff/owners.

In this course, you'll learn:

  • how to serve guests

  • design principles for inviting spaces

  • safety and risk analysis

  • breakfast timings

  • and how to supplement your income with short-term stays.

Useful for B&B startups, AirBNB set ups, and more.



Course Duration: 100 hours.
Lessons: The course comprises 7 lessons as detailed, below.

  1. Introduction to Management & Marketing

    • The Basic Principles of Management.

    • The Four Main Steps in Management.

    • Understanding policies.

    • Marketing.

    • Advertising

  2. Facilities and Decor

    • The general layout.

    • The dining area.

    • The food production area.

    • Parking.

    • Telephones.

    • Cleaning.

  3. Customer Service

    • Personnel and service.

    • General customer service.

    • Staff recruitment, training and induction.

    • Orders and instruction.

    • Procedures for dealing with orders not carried out correctly.

    • Bedroom service.

  4. Equipment

    • Principles of design.

    • Safety risk analysis.

    • Safety audit.

    • Using audit forms and checklists.

    • Signs for communication danger.

    • Toilet and bathrooms facilities.

    • Materials control.

    • Maintenance control.

  5. Supplying Meals

    • Breakfast timings.

    • What to serve (continental or full cooked breakfast).

    • Presentation.

    • Dealing with special requirements.

    • Serving other meals and snacks.

    • Dealing with customer complaints.

  6. Food Purchasing

    • Effective purchasing.

    • Planning ahead.

    • The role of the purchaser.

    • Select your supplier or use your own goods.

    • Effective bulk buying.

    • Know about following regulations (know the legalities and alcohol licensing).

  7. Records and Financial Management

    • Management of guesthouse records.

    • Reservations procedures.

    • Cancellation procedure.

    • The control of accounts.

    • Methods of payment.

    • Safe deposits.

    • Liabilities.

    • Productivity.

    • Financial records management.

    • Insurance.

    • Taxation.

    • Financial control.



  • Identify the scope and nature of skills required for successful bed and breakfast or guesthouse management.

  • Discuss the provision and management of facilities and décor in a guesthouse or B and B.

  • Discuss the provision and management of equipment in a guesthouse or B and B.

  • Discuss the provision and management of meals in a guesthouse or B and B.

  • Determine the management of financial and other records in a guesthouse or B and B.

  • Explore various procedures for seeking competitive prices on specified equipment.


It Involves More than Just Using a Spare Bedroom

Some people look at the spare room in their house and think "Let's open a B&B".

There's a lot more to it than that.

As soon as you bring paying guests into your home (or any other accommodation), you are exposing yourself to a whole range of legal and financial liabilities which you might not have even considered. In addition, paying guests will usually come with expectations about service, and if you don't meet those expectations, your business prospects can quickly decline.

Of course, there are wonderful benefits in operating a B & B, but there are also risks and costs. Like any business do your homework and make sure you have adequate resources, knowledge and skills, before starting.

Consider Insurance

In some cases, something as simple as having the correct insurance can help a business in times of a crisis. Take a look at the following insurances, and make a note of whether or not they would help protect a company from any of the previous risks above occurring. Insurance requirements may vary between countries, but generally offer the same protection under a different guise.

The types of insurance discussed here are just a guide. It would be useful to talk to an insurance advisor to provide information on the types and costs of insurances relevant to your event management business.

Public liability

This protects you against legal action taken by members of the public (customers) that may arise from your business activities. It covers you against losses if you are sued for negligence and can cover such things as loss of income, medical expenses, disability etc. Claims can be brought against a business by any range of people crossing paths with the business - deliverymen, passers-by, employees, messengers, customers and even, believe it or not, trespassers. Public liability insurance is a must for any B & B.

Employer’s liability

If people other than family members are employed, you are legally required to take out this insurance. It protects you against claims that may arise from injury or death while at work.

Motor insurance

You should have at least third-party insurance on all vehicles. But if they are used by employees or volunteers you should be fully insured.

Material damage insurance

If you rent part or all of a property, insurance for the building may be a part of the contract. This cover should also include stock and equipment against fire, floods, storms, burst pipes etc. If you lease a building for an event, check to make sure that it is fully insured.

Property Insurance

Fire, storm, tempest etc. - if a building you own (in which you conduct your business) burns down, the value of stock, equipment etc. will be replaced by the insurance company.

Product liability

This provides cover in the case of the public claiming against you for damages to their property or body. This may occur from goods you supplied, tested or repaired.

Loss of profits

Your ‘normal’ rate of income will be protected if your business premises become unusable as a result of an uninsured event.

Goods in transit

Motor vehicle insurance does not usually cover goods held within a vehicle. Goods in transit would protect goods being delivered to customers.

Professional indemnity

This covers for legal liability for professional errors or omissions which may be made. It also covers your employees.

Cancellation and abandonment insurance

This applies if for some reason bookings are cancelled or suspended e.g. fire, flood etc.

Director’s liability insurance

If you are a director of a business you become liable for the people you contract or employ; director’s insurance protects you against litigation associated with proven negligence.



You can start the course at any time.

There is an assignment at the end of each lesson to submit to your tutor for marking and feedback.

Bed And Breakfast Management is studied by distance learning, so you can study in the comfort of your own home, or wherever you choose. But this doesn't mean you are all alone in your studies.  Our highly qualified and friendly tutors are there to help you every step of the way.  If you have any questions at all, they are always happy to help.



  • You can start the course at any time and study at your own pace.

  • Fit your studies around your own busy lifestyle - we provide full tutor support for all the time you are studying.

  • Study where you want to - online studies offer the flexibility for you to determine where and when you study.

If starting a B and B is your dream, then why not get started?

Learn all your need to know about Bed And Breakfast Management, studying this course part time around your existing life.

Why delay? Enrol today.


You can enrol today or get in touch with us now using one of the following methods - 

By phone (UK) 01384 442752, (International) +44 (0) 1384 442752

or Email at

or connect with our friendly tutors using our FREE COURSE COUNSELLING SERVICE.





Courses can be started anytime from anywhere in the world!

Meet some of our academics

Sarah RedmanOver 15 years industry experience covering marketing, PR, administration, event management and training, both in private enterprise and government; in Australia and the UK.
David CrothersChartered Accountant with 20 years experience in corporate and financial roles. David has a FCA, GAICD, B.Sc.Econ (Hons), Cert IV TAA. Extensive international experience in business and finance.

Check out our eBooks

Saving Your BusinessMost businesses fail; but failure is more often than not avoidable. This book shows you how to quickly get a handle on what is wrong, take action, and give a shaky business the best chance of resurgence.
Business OperationsA text book for business students, or a guide book for anyone operating a business. Six chapters: Daily Challenges of Running a Business, Managing People, The Law, Fiance, Product Management and Risk Management.
Event ManagementThe Event Management ebook can be used as a reference for students or as a foundation text for professionals who need to know the finer details for organising an event. This book takes the reader through the all of the considerations that need to be looked at prior to, during and after an event is organised. The topics covered in the Event Management ebook are 1/ Scope and Nature of Event Management, 2/ Developing a Concept and Planning, 3/ Organising the Resources Required, 4/ Catering: Food and Drink, 5/ Promoting an Event, 6/ Managing the Clientele, 7/ Risk Management, Legalities and Contingency Planning, 8/ Delivering the Event, 9/ Organising Celebrations and Parties, 10/ Organising Exhibitions, 11/ Organising Conferences and Seminars and 12/ Working in the Event Industry.
Human NutritionBoth a text for students, or an informative read for anyone who wants to eat better. While covering the basics, the book approaches nutrition a little differently here to some other books, with sections covering ”Modifying diet according to Genetic Disposition or Lifestyle”, “How to find Reliable Information on Nutrition” and “Understanding how Diet relates to Different Parts of the Body” (including Urinary, Digestive, Respiratory and Circulatory System, the Brain, etc). This ebook was written to complement the ACS Nutrition I course, and provides a solid foundation for anyone wanting to grasp a fundamental understanding of Human Nutrition.