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Duration (approx) 100 hours
Qualification Statement of Attainment


Determine occupations and specific work tasks within occupations that suit the capabilities, motivation, and circumstances of an individual.

Be a better career advisor, case manager, employer, supervisor or welfare worker.  This course has relevance across many industries.

Who Can Benefit?

  • Anyone working with unemployed people seeking a job
  • Anyone seeking to help people improve their career prospects - from teachers and counsellors to parents and social workers
  • Anyone wishing to better understand their own potential.
  • People who employ, manage or supervise staff who are wanting to assign the most suitable person to each work task they are confronted with.

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Course Content

There are 8 lessons in this course:

Lesson 1. Scope and Nature of Profiling for Employment 

  • Introduction
  • Changing Nature of Work
  • Job Changes & the Labour Market
  • Care Responsibilities and Work-Life Balance
  • Remote Working
  • Approaches to Job Profiling
  • Job Analysis
  • Competency Framing
  • Psychometric Testing
  • Interview Days
  • Work Simulations
  • Screening Tests
  • Medical Tests
  • Where Profiling is Carried Out
  • Assessment Centres
  • Advantages of Profiling
  • Limitations of Profiling
  • Retaining Staff

Lesson 2. Profiling in Recruitment & Selection

  • Introduction
  • Benefits of Profiling in Recruitment
  • Difficulties with Recruitment and Selection
  • Overwhelming Responses
  • Applicant Shortages
  • Bias in Testing
  • Faking Bad
  • Faking Good
  • Acquiescence Bias
  • Moderate or Extreme Bias
  • Indecisiveness
  • Test Bias
  • Construct Bias
  • Predictive Bias
  • Lawful Issues of Testing
  • Important Considerations in Test Constructs
  • Test Reliability
  • Internal Consistency
  • Test-retest Reliability
  • Interrater Reliability
  • Parallel Test Reliability
  • Test Validity
  • Criterion Validity
  • Construct Validity
  • Face Validity
  • Content Validity
  • Using other Measures for Profiling

Lesson 3. Profiling Tests Available in Recruitment

  • Introduction
  • Some Psychometric Tests
  • Personality Inventories
  • Achievement
  • Intelligence Tests
  • Cognitive Ability Tests
  • Aptitude Tests
  • Tests of Emotional Intelligence
  • How to Measure Emotional Quotient
  • Vocational Interest Inventories
  • Tests of Psychomotor Ability
  • Tests of Physical Ability
  • Tests of Perceptual Ability
  • A Test Battery
  • Assessment Centres
  • Simulations
  • Interviews
  • Other Options
  • Tester Day at an Organisation
  • Training Courses
  • Pre Screening Tests
  • Background Screening
  • Minimum Qualification Requirements
  • New Tests

Lesson 4. Developing a Profile

  • Competency Profiling
  • Case Study
  • Type 2 Behaviour Pattern (TABP)
  • OCEAN - The Big 5
  • Some Advantages of Using Competencies
  • Choosing Tests - Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Test Types
  • Alternate Choice
  • Multiple Choice
  • Rating Scales
  • Designing a Questionnaire
  • Biographical Information
  • Instructions
  • Designing the Layout
  • Piloting a Questionnaire
  • Standardising the Questionnaire

Lesson 5. Supporting Clients to Find Occupations

  • Introduction
  • Helping Clients Prepare for Jobs
  • Commitments
  • Skills and Personality
  • Case Study
  • SWOT
  • Applying for Jobs
  • Marketing the Self
  • Assessing Experience
  • Organising Training
  • Preparing Resumes
  • The Covering Letter
  • Compiling a Resume
  • Preparing for Interviews
  • General & Specific Interview Preparation
  • Preparing for Psychometric Testing

Lesson 6. Other Issues in Recruitment

  • Introduction
  • Influence of Different Types of Work
  • Flexible Work
  • Job Sharing
  • Part Time
  • Remote Work
  • Hybrid Work
  • Case Studies
  • Learning from Exit Interviews
  • Legal and Ethical Issues
  • Diversity (Neurodiversity)
  • Equity/Human Rights
  • Internal/External Recruitment
  • Employee Retention
  • Retention Strategies
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Case Study

Lesson 7. Applications – Matching Occupations and People Profiles 

  • Introduction
  • Client/ Employee Perspective
  • Using Occupation Resources
  • Client Interests
    Interest Inventories
  • Values
  • Qualitative Assessments
  • Hiring from Inside or Outside an Organisation
  • Profiling Internal Candidates
  • Profiling External Candidates
  • Determining Whether to Advertise

Lesson 8. Applications – Adjusting Perspectives through Job Analysis

  • Introduction
  • Job Analysis
  • Work Analysis
  • Task Oriented Job Analysis
  • Worker Oriented Job Analysis
  • Gathering Information
  • Qualitative Data Interviews
  • Observations
  • Quantitative Data
  • Job Task Inventories
  • Position analysis questionnaire (PAQ)
  • Fleishman Job Analysis Survey (F-JAS)
  • Personality Inventories
  • Databases
  • Data Analysis
  • Best Practice in Using Job Analysis
  • Competency Profiling
  • Competency Profiles
  • Competency Dictionaries
  • Critical Incident Techniques
  • Best Practice Competency Modelling


Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.


  • Discuss value and scope of occupation profiling for HR, line managers, and employment service industries.
  • Identify and apply profiling to improve outcomes in recruitment for employers and employment services.
  • Explain different profiling tests that may have an application for use in recruitment.
  • Develop an employee profile that matches the requirements of the job, in a variety of contexts.
  • Collaborate with clients to help them find employment appropriate to their needs and wants.
  • Analyse the relative significance of varied factors being considered in recruitment of a person into a particular job.
  • Determine the occupation that best fits an individual person.
  • Explain to a client why a particular job in a particular vocation is most appropriate to their needs at a particular point in time.



It can take time to do job profiling properly; but in at least some cases, it can be well worth the effort, to get the best person doing the work required. When the person is matched well to the job, the employee is more motivated and satisfied. They risk of redundancy and costs involved in retraining are reduced for the employer. Productivity can be increased, and workplace disruptions decreased.

  • Get the right staff member right from the start. Then organisations don't risk a new person starting, then having to dismiss them because they are not suitable, or them leaving themselves.
  • Organisations don't waste time, money, and effort training someone who will leave.
  • They don't waste resources recruiting someone repeatedly.
  • With less staff turnover there's reduced recruitment and training costs.
  • Staff are more motivated, not only the employee that was profiled, but others who work alongside them. Disgruntled and unhappy staff can share their misery with others. This can mean that other staff become demotivated and unhappy.

Having the right staff can improve all round motivation and productivity.


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