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Duration (approx) 100 hours
Qualification To obtain formal documentation the optional exam(s) must be completed which will incur an additional fee of £30. Alternatively, a letter of completion may be requested.

Hone your editing skills with this intermediate level editing course.

Building on the foundations of Editing I, you'll develop your understanding of editing, how editors work with text, and learn about non-text tasks, such as images, layout, design, and more. Excellent for freelancers and writers alike.

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Take your editing skills to the next level with this intermediate course.

Hone your editorial skills with this intermediate level course. Building on the material from Editing I, Editing II expands your knowledge of text types and the different types of language used within each. This course is an important step in opening your editing horizons, proving the knowledge and practice you need to work with books, features, technical documents, and more. At the end of the course, you'll test your skills with a practical editing project.

Student Testimonial:"I found the course to be extremely helpful. It has given me the confidence and skills to present my work to publishers."~ Dilys

Course Duration: 100 hours


There are 8 lessons in this module as follows:

  1. Introduction to Editing
    • Scope and nature of editing
    • Traditional and modern editing
    • Terminology
    • Writing job specifications
  2. Refining Text Editing
    • Common traps
    • Proofing documents
    • How much editing, manuscript assessment
    • Editorial roles
    • Terminology
  3. Editing Headings
    • Headlines
    • Captions
    • Supporting material
    • Terminology
  4. Graphics
    • Line drawings, technical illustrations
    • Processing graphics
    • Selection and design with photos
    • The editor's role
    • Terminology
  5. Editing and Design
    • Layout and design
    • Desktop publishing software
    • Image manipulation
  6. Matching Style and Context
    • Targeting the reader
    • Style
    • Terminology
  7. Legal and Ethical Issues
    • Legal and ethical issues in publishing
    • Copyright
    • Law and the internet
    • Libel and defamation
    • Terminology
  8. Editing Project
    • A practical editing project to end the course and utilise your new skills.


  • To review the current state of editing, determining its scope, nature and trends.
  • To identify and edit text errors that commonly occur in a variety of publishing situations.
  • To write and edit a variety of different headings and captions.
  • To select, edit and mark up graphic illustrations.
  • To edit the layout or design of a publication.
  • To identify an appropriate style for the context of a publication, and edit the text to match the determined style.
  • To edit text in order to remove legal and/or ethical risks.
  • Apply a broad range of skills to editing of a lengthy manuscript in a balanced way.
Do You Know the Language Editors Use? 

Agony Column
A regular feature containing items related to personal problems; such as readers’ letters and editorial advice.

The ranging of type along its base line and the horizontal and vertical ranging of columns.

The specific perspective from which an item is written.

The horizontal stroke or line of a capital letter (eg. P or F).

Any type of illustration including a photograph, drawing, or computer generated graphic.

The stroke of a lower case letter that extends higher than the height of an “x” (eg. the top half of the letter “b”).

Author’s corrections
Alterations made to text by the author, after the main editing has been finished, but before final printing.

Back bench
Senior editorial executives of a publication (usually refers to senior staff in a large newspaper).

Back margin (or Back)
The inside margin of a page (ie. where the two pages join together).

A major headline that extends across the top of a page.

An optical representation of an ISBN number which identifies a publication.  The code is read by a computer.

A rubbery sheet that is clamped around a cylinder, that contains an image used in offset printing to transfer that image to paper as it moves through the machine.

An illustration is placed on the edge of a printed area, so that when the paper is trimmed, the illustration extends to the edge without any margin.

This is commonly an engraved image on a flat metal plate, which is used to transfer an image when printing using a “letterpress” technique.

Blow up
An enlargement of a photograph or other type of illustration.

Same as dyeline.

A description of a book, and perhaps an author profile, printed on the cover or inside sleeve and any publicity material for a book.

Book block
The bound pages of a book, before attaching to the cover.

A section of text or an illustration (or both) ruled off on four sides to create a square or rectangular section within text. Tables, line drawings and “emphasised” statements, such as quotations, are often set in boxes.

Break Out
A second (or further) item on the same page as the main story (eg. you may have several items that are unrelated on the same page, though the page is dominated by one main item).

Anything used to break up text in a page, such as a quote or crosshead.

An old name used to refer to 8 point type.

A print of a photograph, illustration or typeset material made on standard light-sensitive photographic paper; from which an image is taken for printing.

Bullet point
A black mark (eg. A dot, triangle, dash) in front of text to create an effect or highlight – often used on tabulated lists, sometimes on headings.

Working as an Editor or Proof Reader

Anything that is written can probably be improved by editing. This includes:
  • Articles
  • Books
  • Newsletters
  • Web Sites
  • Blogs
  • Marketing Materials
  • Legal Contracts
  • Reports (government, business, research, etc)


Editors are employed both because they can bring a fresh pair of eyes to a piece of writing; and because they can save the writer time and money. When anyone writes anything; they tend to get so close to their work that after a while, they don’t readily notice mistakes. An editor is always going to see the material with a fresh pair of eyes, and usually notices things that the writer may be repeatedly overlooking.

Some work may require an editor who is also knowledgeable about the material (eg. Someone who understands both chemistry and editing is needed to edit chemistry).

Editors may perform some, or all of the following tasks:

  • Improving it’s relevance to the intended audience.
  • Providing an impartial view before the writing is released to it’s intended reader(s).
  • If necessary, restructuring content to present it more logically.
  • Altering the tone or style of language to be more appropriate to the purpose.
  • Identifying errors or inadequacies in grammar, spelling, clarity and conciseness.
  • Identifying inadequacies in layout or illustration.
  • Improving consistency.





Improve your existing editing skills. Develop marketable and efficient editing skills. Editing is a highly sought after skill. You may use it in your workplace or personally.  

Editing is an important skills. If you have a website or blog or write catalogues or information generally, producing high quality, written material is important. How many documents and websites are let down by bad spelling and grammar? 

If you want to be an editor - freelance or employer - or would like to improve your own writing and the writing of colleagues, this course is the one for you.

Register to Study - Go to “It’s Easy to Enrol” box at the top of the page and you can enrol now.


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Meet some of our academics

Alison Pearce (general)P.G.Cert. Ed., M.Ecotourism, S.Sc. (Hons). Alison has held many positions including: University Lecturer, Writer, Quality Assurance Manager, Research Technician, Vet Nurse and stockwoman. Over 30 years industry experience, mostly in Australia and the UK.. Alison originally graduated with an honors degree in science from university and beyond that has completed post graduate qualifications in education and eco-tourism. She has managed veterinary operating theatre, responsible for animal anaesthesia, instrument preparation, and assistance with surgical techniques and procedures.
Dr. Gareth PearceGraduated from the University of Nottingham in 1982 with a B.Sc.(Hons) in Animal Science. Between 82 and 85 worked as Research Assistant and Demonstator in Animal Science at the University of Leeds. Over more than 30 years he has furthered his studies, obtaining eight significant university qualifications including degrees in Veterinary Science, Wildlife Conservation and Animal Behaviour. Gareth has significant teaching experience around the world as a faculty member at eight different universities including Associate Professor at Murdoch University and Director of Studies in Veterinary Science at Cambridge University. He has over 100 prestigious research papers published, and enjoys an outstanding international reputation in the fields of animal and veterinary science.
Maggi BrownMaggi is regarded as an expert in organic growing throughout the UK, having worked for two decades as Education Officer at the world renowned Henry Doubleday Research Association. She has been active in education, environmental management and horticulture across the UK for more than three decades. Some of Maggi's qualifications include RHS Cert. Hort. Cert. Ed. Member RHS Life Member Garden Organic (HDRA) .
Tracey Jones (writing)Tracey has enjoyed creative writing since she was a child. She has had several short stories published and a novella. She is also a keen writer of children's stories and poetry. She has also written many academic and non-fiction books in the fields of psychology, sociology, child development, writing and marketing.

Check out our eBooks

English GrammarThe English Grammar ebook can be a great reference for students, people who are learning English and anybody who writes anything- ever. The English Grammar ebook takes grammar back to basics to help confirm correct use of grammar. Topics that are covered within this course include 1/ Introduction- the components of language, 2/ Types of words, 3/ Punctuation, 4/ Upper and lower case, abbreviations, numbers, bullet points and 5/ Using words together.
Getting Work in a Modern WorldGetting Work in a Modern World is a must read; for students, parents, the unemployed, careers advisors or anyone interested in changing or forging a sustainable career. This is realistic guide to getting a job or starting out in business and understanding different industries. Topics covered in this book include 1/Career Myths, 2/ Finding Your Path, 3/ Understanding Employers, 4/ Preparing for a Job, 5/ Jobs to Consider: Looking to the Future, 6/ Information Technology, 7/ Business, Management and Sales, 8/ Health and Wellbeing, 9/ Horticulture, 10/ Wildlife and Environmental, 11/ Animal Care, 12/ Agriculture, 13/ Hospitality and Tourism, 14/ Media and 15/ Education.
Professional WritingProfessional writing is any writing that you are being paid for. It can include fiction writing, a best-selling book, articles in a magazine, articles in a newspaper, blogs for companies, technical manuals or procedure manuals, copy for catalogues, newsletters, text books and other academic material and so on.
Creative WritingThe Creative Writing ebook can be useful for writing students or even professional writers to help improve their writing techniques and skills. The Creative Writing ebook is a fabulous starting point for budding writers. The topics that are covered within this book are an introduction to creative writing, Methodology and technique- the building blocks of writing, Genres, Creative non-fiction, creative writing techniques, developing your skill, building your career and a Glossary.