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Duration (approx) 100 hours
Qualification To obtain formal documentation the optional exam(s) must be completed which will incur an additional fee of £30. Alternatively, a letter of completion may be requested.

Learn to Speak Well in Public

This is a course for speakers, teachers, politicians, media presenters, leaders or anyone who wants to improve their skills and confidence in public speaking.


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Learn to Communicate more Effectively

  • Develop better verbal communication skills
  • Build self confidence for public speaking
  • Understand the techniques (tools) which can be used to make public speaking more effective.



Who is this course for?

Speakers, teachers, politicians, broadcasters, marketers, media presenters, religious and community leaders or anyone who wants to improve their skills and confidence in public speaking.

Course Aims

  • Explain the scope and nature of public speaking and recognise the different contexts in which speeches are delivered.

  • Explain how word choice, speech organisation and preparation combine to influence the impact of a speech. 

  • Examine the delivery and presentation of a speech. 

  • Structure and examine quality of toasts and entertaining speaking.

  • Examine, construct, and discuss quality of argument and debate.

  • Construct and examine quality of lecture and informative speaking. 

  • Analyse the elements and techniques used to evaluate a speech and gather feedback from the audience. 

  • Explain key elements of preparing and delivering speech on broadcast media.

  • Conduct a speech and evaluate the audience response. 

The Lessons

This course has nine lessons as follows:

Lesson 1: Scope and nature of public speaking

  • The nature of public speaking
  • The scope of public speaking
  • Context influence the nature and scope of speaking
  • Critical factors in public speaking
  • The ultimate message
  • Speaker/listener relationship
  • Channel
  • Feedback
  • Interference

Lesson 2: Writing and preparing speech

  • Words! Words! Words!
  • Clarity and confusion
  • Reorganising words leads to different results
  • Questions
  • Rhetoric and rhetorical devices
  • Speech preparation
  • Speech organisation
  • Outline
  • Purpose
  • Subject statement
  • Development
  • Sample outline
  • Other important factors to consider
  • Attention
  • Transitions
  • Orientation
  • Conclusion and summary

Lesson 3: Presentation and delivery

  • A speech
  • Volume, pitch, tone
  • Projection (volume)
  • Voice
  • Vocal health
  • Dealing with nerves
  • Body language
  • How to present a speech
  • Visual aid and media
  • Types of visual aids
  • Reasons for and against the use visual aids and media
  • For visual aids and media
  • Against visual aids and media

Lesson 4: Toasts and entertainment

  • Speaking for entertainment and toasting
  • Toasts
  • Content and focus
  • Timing
  • Humour
  • Body language
  • Voice
  • Master of ceremonies (mc)
  • Focus
  • Paying attention to the audience
  • Use of humour
  • Voice and body language
  • Story, script, and narrative
  • Preparation
  • Vocal technique
  • Adding character
  • Body language
  • Types of speeches
  • Introductions

Lesson 5: Debate and presenting argument

  • Introduction
  • What is rhetoric?
  • Ethos, pathos, and logos
  • Ethos: persuasion by character
  • Pathos: persuasion by emotion
  • Logos: persuasion by reason or logic
  • Persuasive context
  • Rhetorical triangle
  • Constructing an argument for speech or debate
  • Logic, fact and fallacy
  • Constructing an argument
  • What is a logical fallacy?
  • Critical thinking
  • Persuasive speaking

Lesson 6: Lecture and informative speech

  • Know your subject
  • Fact check
  • Questions and answers
  • Use elements from other areas of public speaking
  • Important points about fact-based presentations and educational presentations
  • Structuring a lecture or informative presentation
  • General educational lecture
  • The socratic method
  • Hands-on lectures: practicals, activities, and exercises
  • The role of vulnerability

Lesson 7: Evaluating a speech

  • Evaluating a speech
  • Introduction
  • Quality and evaluation
  • Anonymous or not?
  • Feedback
  • Ways to examine the quality of a speech/ speaker
  • Evaluating a toast or entertainment speech:
  • Evaluating a debate or argument:
  • Evaluating a lecture or informative speech:
  • Regaining confidence after a poor speech

Lesson 8: Question speaking for broadcast media

  • Introduction
  • Broadcasts
  • Rhythm of speaking
  • Slang and colloquial speech
  • Filler words
  • Developing a speech for broadcast media
  • Radio and podcast or sound recordings
  • Sound recordings
  • Television and film presentation
  • Media interviews and speaking on panels

Lesson 9: Project: prepare and deliver a speech

  • Why is problem based learning important?
  • Project aim
  • Learning outcomes
  • Problem definition
  • Your speech
  • Discussion questions
  • Team structure and mode of interaction
  • Final pbl submission

Course Duration - self paced, 100 hours of study.


Where are these Skills Used?

In the past, public speaking referred to speaking face to face to a live audience. In the modern world, public speaking has become much more than this.  It can include speaking face to face with an audience but also speaking live to an audience over technology or pre-recording speeches via audio or video to show to audiences.  

Public speaking has been transformed with the new technologies available to pass the spoken word from one side of the world to another. To do this live (real time) or record this information for people to listen to later. But public speaking is still essentially the idea of passing information on to others for a variety of reasons. Public speaking can also now be formal and more informal, depending on the reasons for the speech.

The word “speech” often implies a formal, academic talk by a professional, but a speech is much more than that. A speech is simply an expression of someone’s thoughts, knowledge, or information. It does not have to be a serious, formal monologue by a politician or academic. It can be a fun talk by a teacher or expert in the field.  

Courses can be started anytime from anywhere in the world!